Archive for category BugZilla

How-to: upgrading BugZilla on Windows Server 2003 and IIS

This is a follow-up post to Installing BugZilla on Windows Server 2003 and IIS, which I posted back in April of 2008. Upgrading BugZilla on Windows: gotchas Recently, having gotten sick of seeing the blurb about new versions of BugZilla every time I logged in, having gotten bored with the somewhat plain-vanilla look, and having […]


How-To: Installing BugZilla on Windows Server 2003 and IIS

Update, Oct. 13, 2010: I have just added a post on updating BugZilla to v3.6.2 from the below-mentioned version. Recently, I found myself in need of a bug-tracking solution. Never having used one, I decided to try the open-source BugZilla to get a feel for how these kinds of programs work and what the features […]